As we speak, Just for Laughs auditions are taking place in comedy hot spots all over America. It takes a lot to get noticed as an emerging comedic voice in today’s fragmented culture, and Dave Grohl is hoping co-hosting The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon might push him to the top. CBS is apparently eyeing John Mayer for a late-night show, so if Grohl wants to pivot into hosting an aftershow for, like, Mayans he very well could.
Grohl helped with the monologue, and obviously played some music as well. Remember when people were looping songs so that one word got repeated over and over? Like “All Star but every word is someBODY” or Foo Fighter’s “The Best” but it’s just Dave Grohl singing “the best” for ten hours straight? The Tonight Show remembers. Grohl and Fallon took turns singing the “bests” so that they could breathe. And nothing says “New York is back, baby!” like two men scream-singing into the same microphone.