Christina Aguilera has voiced her support for her fellow pop idol and former Mickey Mouse Club co-star Britney Spears in a powerful Twitter thread posted on Monday evening, amid Spears’s efforts to end her conservatorship. “These past few days I’ve been thinking about Britney and everything she is going through,” Aguilera wrote. “It is unacceptable that any woman, or human, wanting to be in control of their own destiny might not be allowed to live life as they wish.” Aguilera continued, “Every woman must have the right to her own body, her own reproductive system, her own privacy, her own space, her own healing and her own happiness,” referencing Spears’s allegations that her team refused to allow her to remove her IUD and denied her basic privacy while she was in rehab. Aguilera goes on to clarify that though she is “not behind the closed doors of this very layered & personal yet public conversation,” she feels compelled to speak out because “the conviction and desperation of this plea for freedom leads me to believe that this person I once knew has been living without compassion or decency from those in control.”
Aguilera concluded her thread by pointing out that Spears “has worked under conditions and pressure unimaginable to most” and “deserves all of the freedom possible to live her happiest life.” The singer joins a chorus of public figures — from pop stars to politicians — who have voiced their support for Spears and condemnation for her conservatorship in the wake of Spears’s searing testimony last week. Spears has thanked her supporters on Instagram, where she also posted an update from Maui on Monday.