Starting on August 13, be prepared to shell out an extra buck if you subscribe (or are planning on subscribing) to ESPN+, because the Disney-owned streaming service is raising its prices from $5.99 to $6.99 per month and from $59.99 to $69.99 a year. This is the Walt Disney Company’s second streaming service that has seen a price bump in recent months, with Disney+ raising its subscription prices in March, signaling a quiet push from the company to get more people interested in their Disney bundle deal. The bundled subscription includes the company’s three streaming services, including Hulu, at around a 30 percent discount. Hopefully that doesn’t mean Hulu will be getting a price hike soon, but we’re in the middle of the streaming wars and god, it’s brutal out here. That $13.99 price tag for the Disney bundle is actually looking like a better offer day by day.