Gerard Butler, who has found something of a franchise for himself in the [Insert Word Here] Has Fallen series of action films, is suing producers over profits from the series’s first film, 2013’s Olympus Has Fallen. In a Los Angeles Superior Court filing obtained by Deadline on Friday, Butler and his legal team claim that producers “understated their own receipts and profits by over $11 million,” including $8 million paid to senior executives of Nu Image and Millennium Film. Butler’s legal team says the actor is now owed over $10 million of “profits promised to him in the parties’ agreement,” claiming that producers “grossly misrepresent[ed] the finances of the film to Butler, so that Butler would believe that no such payments were due.” The film grossed over $170 million globally and spawned two sequels starring Butler, with a third currently in development. This news comes after Scarlett Johansson filed to sue Disney for owed profits. That suit is under different circumstances, but still, we smell a Hollywood-lawsuit threequel in the air.