Strange tidings kept Dwayne “the Rock” Johnson from his workout Sunday morning, as the path to his home gym was blocked by a hawk eating a bird. “He started with the head of the snake,” Johnson said in the video he posted to Instagram, “which is always smart to do.”
“For when a rock is stopped from its gains by a bird feasting on a serpent, ye shall know the end times are nigh,” as Nostradamus could have possibly written at some point in history. A bird eating a snake has been a highly symbolic image for centuries, as well as being part of the legendary founding of Tenochtitlan (now called Mexico City). It is said that the Aztecs would only found their city where they saw an eagle eating a snake on top of a lake. The image is incorporated into the Mexican flag as well.
In typical Rock fashion, Johnson mostly set aside symbolism, instead focusing on how this affected his workout. “The problem is, I’ve gotta get to the gym. So it’s either my workout or his snake,” Johnson says in the video. According to, dreaming about a bird eating a snake is a message that you need to relax or shed old habits. So maybe skip the gym this Sunday, Dwayne.