tiny desk

Young Thug Goes Punk in Tiny Desk With Travis Barker

Young Thug has been talking a lot of talk about his upcoming album Punk, and at his NPR Tiny Desk (Home) Concert, he started walking the walk. Thugger performed four new songs — including “Die Slow,” “Droppin Jewels,” “Hate the Game,” and “Tick Tock” — rapping over some heavy riffs and backed by a full rock band. But the punkest moment didn’t come until the end of the set, when Young Thug brought out pop-punk elder statesman Travis Barker to drum on an amped-up rendition of his Slime Language 2 hit “Ski.” During the performance, Thug also announced an October 15 release date for Punk, flaunting it on the back of his shirt. Until then, we’ll be crossing our fingers that Barker makes it onto the record.

Young Thug Goes Punk in Tiny Desk With Travis Barker