last night on late night

John Oliver Doesn’t Need a PowerPoint to Taunt Andrew Cuomo

Photo: HBO; Getty Images

With Andrew Cuomo’s career as a governor reaching its own Vesuvius circa 79 A.D. moment, John Oliver dedicated part of his Sunday Last Week Tonight episode to recapping what exactly erupted in Albany over the past week. In addition to Cuomo’s top aide and enforcer resigning and an assistant going on-air to allege sexual harassment, Oliver pointed to the bombshell attorney general’s report from August 3 that claimed the governor engaged in a pattern of unwanted touching and inappropriate remarks with at least 11 women. “New York’s AG released a devastating report into allegations of sexual harassment by Andrew Cuomo — which incredibly, he’s trying to ride out, issuing a video in which he tried to deny or downplay the accusations,” Oliver explained. (Our friends at Intelligencer have elegantly coined it the Big Gross Book of Touches.) “Okay, but that’s not what this is about! And it’s frankly incredible that Cuomo thought releasing an irrelevant montage of photos would somehow exonerate him. Apparently, his strategy for literally any crisis is: put out a PowerPoint. And that’s it.” Meanwhile, Sandra Lee is galavanting around St. Tropez with a new man, giving zero fucks.

John Oliver Doesn’t Need a PowerPoint to Taunt Andrew Cuomo