Next time some killjoy tries to tell you why they hate astrology, just remember that their opinion matters less than SZA’s. And something about where the moon is at in the sky right now compelled her to give us three gorgeous new tracks. On Sunday morning, the “Good Days” singer posted a video to her Instagram of dancer Nana Yaa performing to a new track called “Joni,” with folky plucked guitar backing ethereal lyrics. At the same time, she tweeted “dumping random thoughts” and linked to a mysterious SoundCloud account based in “nowhere, United States.”
“Joni” was already uploaded to the account, the art for which is some sort of H.R. Giger monster awkwardly standing next to a bedroom door, as if to say, “Mom, I threw up.” Over the next two hours SZA uploaded two more songs, “I Hate You” and “Nightbird.”
SZA then tweeted, “Alright. I go to bed now. @iJaadee made me do it lol,” linking to an astrologer who, according to her bio, also does readings for Kehlani. The tweet has a screenshot of an iMessage conversation between SZA and the astrologist, telling her, “Tomorrow is the day for you” and “Moon will be in the last degree of your sign,” linking to coordinates and timing for a full moon on August 22.
SZA also hinted that she’ll release more music next Sunday, and viral unreleased track “Shirt” will be next.
Everyone say “thank you, moon!”