Britney Spears announced her engagement to longtime boyfriend Sam Asghari on Instagram. She posted a reel flashing the ring, and Asghari shared a complementary photo of Spears flipping the “I’m engaged, eff you dad” bird. “The couple made their long-standing relationship official today and are deeply touched by the support, dedication and love expressed to them,” Asghari’s manager told “Page Six.” The ring is custom, and is engraved with Asghari’s nickname for Spears, “Lioness.”
The couple began dating five years ago, after meeting on the set of Spears’s “Slumber Party” music video. During Britney’s testimony this summer, she discussed wanting to get married and have a child. She stated that she could not even go for a drive with Asghari under the conservatorship, let alone get her IUD out in order to have another child. “I want to get married and have a baby. I was told right now in the conservatorship that I’m not able to get married or have a baby,” she said. “I have an [IUD] inside my body right now, but I wanna get pregnant. I want it taken out so I can start trying to have another baby. But this so-called team won’t let me go to the doctor to take it out because they don’t want me to have any more children.” Now Jamie Spears is requesting to end the conservatorship, and Britney is engaged.