In a great, fantastic, thrilling turn of events, our beloved guy Matt Berry has been cast in another TV show. But that’s not all! He’s also being reunited with his Garth Marenghi’s Darkplace and IT Crowd co-star (and Snuff Box guest star) Richard Ayoade, a moment I personally have been waiting for for what feels like my entire life. Both of these icons have been cast alongside Ted Lasso’s Hannah Waddingham, UCB alum Pam Murphy, and The Midnight Gospel’s Duncan Trussell in a new animated Fox show created by Dan Harmon called Krapopolis. It follows a family of humans, gods, and monsters attempting to run the titular city of Krapopolis. Berry plays the dad, obviously (he, after all, was born to be the internet’s daddy), who is half-centaur, half-manticore, “oversexed and underemployed,” and named Shlub. Truly just can’t wait to see how Berry pronounces any of that. Ayoade will play his son, Tyrannis, who is the benevolent king of Krapopolis, because of course. Waddingham plays Tyrannis’s mother Deliria, a “goddess of self-destruction and questionable choices.” Murphy and Trussell round out the cast as Tyrannis’s half-sister Stupendous and half-brother Hippocampus, respectively. But before you get too wrapped up in the pure comedy-nerd ecstasy that is all of that, you should also know that somehow, someway, this is all going to be “curated entirely on the blockchain.”
Do I know what that means? No. According to the press release, Fox and Bento Box Entertainment will “launch a dedicated marketplace for Krapopolis that will curate and sell digital goods, ranging from NFTs of one-of-a-kind character and background art and GIFs, as well as tokens that provide exclusive social experiences to engage and reward super fans.” One such NFT appears to be a cast image that “is minted on the Eluvio content blockchain with token metadata.” Which, I mean, sure, those are words! Anyway, the show doesn’t come out until 2022, so in the meantime, here’s Berry and Ayoade on the Ayoade co-created show Garth Marenghi’s Darkplace: