Oh, how the tables turn, Mr. Cuomo! Weezer, the band that is now a glorified cover band (and seems pretty chill about it) has become the covered. Japanese Breakfast covered “Say It Ain’t So” off the band’s self-titled Blue Album as part of Spotify’s Live at Electric Lady EP series. Past participants in the series include Stephen Colbert’s bandleader, Jon Batiste; Patti Smith; and the Raconteurs. The Raconteurs covered Television’s “Blank Generation.”
Michelle Zauner and supporting company did renditions of “Be Sweet,” “Kokomo, IN,” and “Boyish,” among other hits. Besides fronting the band, Zauner wrote a memoir called Crying in H Mart, which is being adapted into a film by MGM’s Orion Pictures. Zauner also did the music for video game Sable, which came out in 2021. You can stream the whole Live at Electric Lady EP below.