The internet lost its collective mind yesterday when it discovered that Grimes could read. Fresh from a “semi-separation” from Elon Musk, Grimes was papped out and about reading The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx. It was a hoot and a half, and Twitter did what Twitter do, namely, made a lot of memes about it. Grimes claimed to be trolling on Instagram, writing, “Full disclosure I’m still living with e and I am not a communist (although there are some very smart ideas in this book …” If you are getting stalked, you might as well have some fun with it.
But where does Claire’s consciousness-raising walk rank among the other great moments of celebrity literati? Grimes is dressed like a denim moth, walking right into Paris Hilton’s territory. Does she know who she’s messing with?
Other iconic literature choices include: Jamie Lee Curtis perusing a Playgirl while noshing on what looks like a breakfast sandwich, Lea Michele posing with a book from Reese Witherspoon’s book club, and Bradley Cooper reading Lolita to his 17-years-younger gf Suki Waterhouse. And, of course, Emma Watson loves books so much that she hides them around the New York subway.
Update 5:00 p.m.: Writer and podcaster (and Vulture contributor) Molly Lambert has curated a master Tweet thread that adds queen of photo ops Heidi Montag, Ghislaine, and Kim Kardashian to the list.