Disney+ has rolled out its three-part docuseries on the Beatles, made entirely from never-before-seen restored footage of John, Paul, George, and Ringo. Directed and produced by Peter Jackson, The Beatles: Get Back covers the years leading up to the band’s 1970 album Let It Be. In the days since its release, Twitter has graciously extracted the show’s most memorable moments for meme-ing purposes. There’s everything from the Beatles revealing they aren’t even real Brits to wanting to break up the band because of “Wonderful Christmas.” Here are the best memes from The Beatles: Get Back.
The Beatles, but all-American
And this is why British artists always sound American in their music.
The Grinch (2021)
The real reason why the Beatles broke up.
The Lord of the Wings
The fans think The Lord of the Ringo.
Bechdel Test Approved
It’s everything Alison Bechdel was hoping for.
A Model for Baroque Painters
Museums, commission his face now — before it’s too late.
Libma Balls
And I oop.
*Smooching Noises*
The backstory to “All My Loving.”
Yawning at Genius
Get friends who hype you up like Ringo and George.
Ringo Just Sitting
Always so diplomatic.
Say It Again
Magic in the making.
Austin Powers
Didn’t even know he wasn’t one of The Beatles.
Wee Willy Walnut
Lennon isn’t really nuts about this one. Ba dum tss…
Angry George
Watch part all three parts, out now on Disney+.