Update, November 3 at 10:19 a.m.: Britney Spears’s mother, Lynne Spears, is requesting that over $600,000 of her own legal fees come “out of the conservatorship estate or assets on hand” in a court petition filed Monday. “Page Six” reports that while Lynne never had a formal role in the conservatorship case, her attorneys want Britney to pay for their services as Lynne is an interested party who told the court details about her daughter’s restrictive conservatorship. Lynne’s attorneys filed this request one day before Britney posted and then deleted an Instagram caption reading: “my dad may have started the conservatorship 13 years ago … what people don’t know is that my mom is the one who gave him the idea.”
Original story follows.
Britney Spears’s conservatorship may be over sooner than planned. After Britney’s father Jamie Spears was suspended as the conservator in Sept. 2021, Britney’s attorney Mathew Rosengart believed the conservatorship would be terminated next week on Nov. 12, the date of her next hearing. However, Britney’s father filed court documents saying he supports Britney’s desire to immediately terminate the conservatorship. The papers were filed Nov. 1 in Los Angeles Superior court.
“Jamie unconditionally loves and supports his daughter,” states the court papers.” Full stop. As he has done for her entire life, Jamie will do everything he can to protect and care for her. For the last 13 years, that included serving as her Conservator. Now, it means ending her Conservatorship. So it is said in no uncertain terms, Jamie believes that the Conservatorship should end, immediately. Jamie will not seek to continue to serve as Conservator.”
The papers state that “Jamie has always and will always have Britney’s best interests at heart.” He also says that he supports a “full and transparent examination of the conservatorship and has every confidence that said review will put to rest the outlandish, scurrilous and irresponsible speculation that has accompanied the media circus surrounding these proceedings.”
He also stands by his belief that 13 years ago Britney’s life was in “shambles” and that the conservatorship was necessary.”
“The mission has been successful and it is now time for Britney to re-take control of her life,” state Jamie’s court papers. “Not tomorrow or next week, now.”
Britney herself took to social media tonight to address her future freedom. In a now-deleted Instagram post, Britney accused her mother Lynne Spears and Lou Taylor, her former business manager, of giving Jamie the idea to begin a conservatorship. Britney added her accusation onto an existing caption to criticize her father, “Pssss my dad may have started the conservatorship 13 years ago… but what people don’t know is is that my mom is the one who gave him the idea !!!!” She also claimed her father “is not smart enough to ever think of a conservatorship” and called out her mother and Lou Taylor by name for allegedly setting up the conservatorship. Vulture has reached out to Britney Spears’ attorney and Lynne Spears’ attorney for comment.