During his five-film run as James Bond, Daniel Craig has faced off against all manner of villains — Mads Mikkelsen wielding a whip, Javier Bardem’s weapons-grade sexual tension, Christoph Waltz doing that one Christoph Waltz thing — and against the odds, he survived them all. But Craig finally met a superweapon he couldn’t best: a ring light.
For Variety’s “Actors on Actors” series, Craig sat down for a remote interview with his Skyfall castmate Bardem. They mostly talk about their craft until the final minutes of the interview, when Bardem couldn’t hold it in anymore. “Let me ask you, my friend, this last question,” he says. “What happened to you here?” Bardem gestures to his forehead, causing Craig to cluelessly run his hands all over his hair and face. What Bardem is pointing out is Craig has had a bloody gash on his head for the entire interview and was somehow totally oblivious to it. At first, Craig thinks he’s got sandwich on his face (??) until he goes to find a mirror.
“You’re right,” he yells from offscreen. “I cut my head!” You would expect it to be some sort of injury he incurred training for an action film, maybe, but no. “So they’ve sent me this wonderful ring flash, which I’ve set up with an iPad in the middle of it. And I went like this,” he leans over, “and it just fell on my head.” The two crack up. “Do you see how accident-prone I am?” he laughs. “This is why I get fucking injured every time I do a movie.” The whole incident raises many questions, including: Is Craig just walking around Bond sets injuring himself like some kind of Mr. Bean? Isn’t it impressive that celebrities filming remote interviews don’t find themselves victims of ring-light accidents more often? And if Daniel Craig thought there was a piece of sandwich stuck to the top of his forehead … how exactly does Daniel Craig eat sandwiches?