my single is dropping

Ye Eases Us Into His New Song ‘Eazy’

Photo: MediaPunch/Shutterstock

Donda 2: It’s likely far from done-da, but that’s never stopped Ye before! The rapper released the new song “Eazy,” thought to be the first taste of the new project, a sequel to his imposing 2021 album Donda. The song features the Game, marking the rapper’s fifth collaboration with Ye (formerly Kanye West) and their first since 2015’s “Mula.” The song first turned heads January 14 thanks to some cover art that’s not so eazy to look at, which Ye posted to Instagram the day before. Shortly after, a lyric from the song taking aim at Pete Davidson began circulating: “God saved me from the crash / Just so I could beat Pete Davidson’s ass.” If you haven’t been keeping up, Ye’s ex-wife, Kim Kardashian, is reportedly dating Saturday Night Live star Davidson, in her first public relationship since her high-profile split from Ye. Not that he has much to be complaining about — Ye’s recently been spending quite a bit of time with Uncut Gems star Julia Fox himself. He raps in the new track that he’s having “the best divorce ever,” and notes that he bought the house next to Kardashian’s in order to stay near his kids. Even the mention of Davidson is immediately followed by Ye declaring, “And my new bitch bad / I know Illuminati mad.” Who said life wasn’t eazy again?

Ye Eases Us Into His New Song ‘Eazy’