This season of Love Is Blind may be over, but the drama sure isn’t. Deepti Vempati’s siblings have posted a joint statement criticizing their sister’s ex-fiancé, Abhishek “Shake” Chatterjee. “‘Shake’, bruh, you’re a loser,” Sunny Vempati and his partner Hina Merchant Vempati wrote on Instagram. “You minimized my sister’s life by making some awful and cringeworthy comments about her. You made these statements knowing your own mom would one day watch it; my parents and my entire family had to sit through you talking behind my sister’s back about insecurities she fought her entire life.”
Throughout the second season of the Netflix reality show, Shake told multiple people he wasn’t physically attracted to Deepti. In the statement, the Vempatis said he made comments “on and off camera about her body.” Ultimately, Deepti declared that she deserved to marry someone who was sure about her and left Shake at the altar. Her siblings praised her for her decision, writing, “We wish you didn’t pick that [clown] but despite his childishness, you carried yourself with grace and continued to see the good in people. We’re so damn proud to call you our baby sister, and know we’re there for you always.”
They concluded their message by telling Shake that his behavior could not be explained by editing. “No one forced you to say those words,” they wrote. “We welcomed you into our home, and you saw it as an opportunity for clout; so forgive me if I’m not sympathetic towards you and the hate you’re receiving. Good luck with the rest of your life; and stay the fuck away from my sister.” Deepti later reacted to the post, writing in an Instagram story, “The love and support from my family is unmatched 🤍.”