Alert the palace! Some scoundrel has stolen the crown jewels!
Oops, false alarm, we’ve been reading too much Hollywood Unlocked. Someone’s stolen The Crown’s jewels. Huge difference. The New York Times reports that hundreds of valuable props for the Netflix drama were stolen off the backs of some lorries on February 16 in South Yorkshire, including a replica Fabergé egg, multiple candelabras, silver and crystal dining and drinking ware, and “a clock face of a William IV grandfather clock.” The total estimated value of stolen goods? $200,000. But set decorator Alison Harvey told the Antiques Trade Gazette in delightfully catty British fashion that the “items stolen are not necessarily in the best condition and therefore of limited value for resale.”
So which is it? Valued at hundreds of thousands of dollars or not valuable at all? What if this is all an elaborate Netflix PR stunt incorporating The Crown into The Princess Switch Netflix cinematic universe, and they unmask Vanessa Hudgens as the “thief”? Either way, Netflix said in a statement that these thefts will not delay filming on the fifth season, starring Elizabeth Debicki as Princess Diana and Imelda Staunton as a very much alive Queen Elizabeth II.