Rather than participate in the semi-televised, condensed section of the 2022 Academy Awards, Hans Zimmer carried on with his European tour. So when Zimmer won his first Oscar in almost 30 years, he was asleep. “It’s 2am in Amsterdam,” Zimmer tweeted, “and my daughter Zoë woke me up to go to the hotel bar. Wow!!” Zimmer accompanied the tweet with pics of him in a bathrobe and one of those fake Oscars that are awarded to Best Grandpa or Most Awesome Assistant. Big-time cozy vibes.
Zimmer last got Oscar gold for 1994 The Lion King. Nearly 30 years later, Zimmer joined the rest of the Dune crew in sweeping the technical awards. Besides Best Original Score, Dune has won for Best Visual Effects, Best Cinematography, Best Production Design, Achievement in Sound, and Best Film Editing.