Has immersive theater gone too far? Moviegoers in Austin were stunned when a real bat made an appearance during a Friday screening of The Batman, starring Robert Pattinson and Zoë Kravitz. A guest released the bat at the Moviehouse & Eatery by Cinépolis as some sort of prank. The theater paused the screening while employees attempted to lure the bat out toward the exit light, undoubtedly killing Catwoman and Batman’s sexual tension. In footage posted by an audience member, a theater employee can be heard taking charge of the situation. “If you are uncomfortable being in the dark with a bat, please remove yourself now,” she said to laughs.
One attendee posted a Twitter video of the bat flying around the theater with the astute observation, “I’m at the Batman movie and there are real bats in the theater.”
Cinépolis spokesperson Annelise Holyoak said the prank was not done out of any malevolent intentions. “Local animal control was immediately contacted, and they have been overseeing the situation to ensure guest, associate and animal safety,” Holyoak told CBS Austin. “To ensure a prank like this does not again occur, we’ve added additional security and are checking all bags upon guest entry.” Sorry, no more sneaking in midnight snacks at this Cinépolis. The Batman broke pandemic records by pulling in $134 million at its domestic box-office debut. On top of boasting a bisexual Catwoman and the emo-est Batman yet, it now apparently comes in 4-D. That’s right, folks: It was just Robert Pattinson Method acting. Bravo.