Beloved comedic actor Estelle Harris, who played George Costanza’s unforgettable mother, Estelle, on Seinfeld as well as Mrs. Potato Head in the Toy Story franchise, died on Saturday of natural causes, her representative confirmed to Variety. “It is with the greatest remorse and sadness to announce that Estelle Harris has passed on this evening at 6:25 p.m.,” her son Glen Harris told Deadline on Saturday. “Her kindness, passion, sensitivity, humor, empathy, and love were practically unrivaled, and she will be terribly missed by all those who knew her.” She was 93.
Harris guest-starred on Seinfeld for 27 episodes as the shrill Estelle Costanza, opposite Jerry Stiller as George’s father, Frank Costanza. Following the news of Harris’s passing on Sunday, Jason Alexander wrote on Twitter, “One of my favorite people has passed — my tv mama, Estelle Harris. The joy of playing with her and relishing her glorious laughter was a treat. I adore you, Estelle. Love to your family. Serenity now and always.”
Harris was also a celebrated voice actor, most well known for her role as Mrs. Potato Head (opposite Don Rickles as Mr. Potato Head) in the second, third, and fourth installments of Toy Story. Harris also voiced characters in animated movies like Brother Bear and Tarzan II, as well as in animated series like Hercules and The Wild Thornberrys. According to Deadline, Harris also had a prolific career in television commercials, and was at one point known on Madison Avenue as the “Queen of Commercials.” She is survived by her three children, three grandsons, and one great-grandson.