harry's house

Harry Styles Wants You to Meet His ‘Boyfriends’

Photo: Kevin Mazur/Getty Images for Harry Styles

Harry Styles tweeted the track listing for his latest album, Harry’s House, due out May 20. Fans reacted with joy, and a little annoyance at the white text on a yellow background. Of particular note to a certain type of Harry Styles fan was a Side B song titled “Boyfriends.” Whose boyfriends? Are you the boyfriend? Enquiring minds want to know, Harry. Styles debuted “Boyfriends” at Coachella, introducing it by saying, “To boyfriends everywhere, fuck you.” The song is in the second person, reading like sweet-hearted self-insert fanfic. Styles defending the inner light of You against Your Shitty Boyfriend. Watch out boyfriends: Harry is coming for you.

Styles is on a promo tear this week. The trailer for Don’t Worry, Darling dropped at CinemaCon in Las Vegas, directed by girlfriend Olivia Wilde. Styles also did both weekends of Coachella. On weekend one, he duetted on “Man! I Feel Like a Woman!” and “You’re Still the One” with Shania Twain. Weekend two saw Styles partner with Lizzo to do “I Will Survive.” Oh, and he’s on the cover of Better Homes and Gardens? He has the range.

Harry Styles Wants You to Meet His ‘Boyfriends’