family reunion

FKA Twigs Found Out She’s Actually Related to Jorja Smith

Photo: David M. Benett/Dave Benett/Getty Images

Her family tree just got more musical. FKA Twigs revealed in the latest edition of British GQ that she’s actually related to English singer Jorja Smith. The pair first met while working together on Twigs’ mixtape Caprisongs, which dropped at the start of this yea — Smith co-wrote and featured on “Darjeeling.” Twigs said at the time that she made a mental note to ask Smith for foundation recommendations because they had “exactly the same kind of skin,” down to a yellow undertone. But the two singers (who eventually became friends) thought their similar facial and physical features were just a coincidence … until Smith talked to her family about the resemblance. “I was on the road to go to LA, and [Jorja] left me a voice note saying, ‘You’re never going to believe this, but I’ve just spoken to my dad and he’s spoken to his sister, and we’re related,’” Twigs told British GQ. According to Twigs, they didn’t confirm the connection until a few months after “Darjeeling” was recorded. As the saying goes, cousins by birth, collaborators by choice.

FKA Twigs Found Out She’s Actually Related to Jorja Smith