Every grandma thinks her grandson is a handsome young man, but not every grandson is a Top Gun: Maverick thirst magnet. As conversation swirls around who will replace Daniel Craig as the next James Bond, one of the names being thrown around is “Miles Teller”; it just happens to be thrown around exclusively by Teller’s grandma, Leona Flowers. Flowers is 82, tweets under the handle @MupTheQueen, and, according to her bio, is the “published author of the book-PAGE’S FROM GRANDMA’S NOTEBOOK.” She mostly uses her Twitter account for two things: tweeting affirmations “that will lift and inspire” and gushing about her grandkids, including but not limited to Miles Teller.
“They’re looking for an actor to replace Daniel Craig for future 007 movies,” she tweeted Wednesday. “I think my grandson, Miles Teller, has proven that he has everything they’re looking for- talent, looks, strength,worldwide appeal & oh, so cool. He can be that guy!! Wouldn’t he be great?”
It’s the social-media version of a big fat pinch on the cheeks. When people pointed out that Bond is usually played by a British actor, she had some great comebacks, including, “He studied acting which includes accents” and “Miles is very proud of his genetic connection to the British Isles.”
Flowers, who goes by “Mup” to her grandkids, has a real talent for promoting Teller’s strengths. When asked if he really played drums for Whiplash, she said, “Yes, my dear, Miles plays many instruments well. He has so many talents & is so brilliant he amazes even his old Mup,” and added, “Miles has a very high IQ as well. He could have done anything, but I know his fans are glad he chose acting!” That’s grandma code for still holding out hope that one day he’ll go to med school.
We’re starting to think Mup could be Teller’s agent. Get Barbara Broccoli on the line! Mup’s playin’ hardball!