A very orange Lea Michele performed with a very pasty Jonathan Groff and Skylar Astin at the 2022 Tony Awards. The three were part of a tribute performance of the musical Spring Awakening, which celebrated its 15-year Broadway anniversary this year. The trio, along with the rest of the original cast, reunited to sing “Touch Me,” an ode to the blossoming sexuality of teenagers. They performed beautifully, though the ode to teen sexuality is now essentially an ode to the sexuality of 35-year-olds, which is slightly less contentious. Unlike A Strange Loop’s Jaquel Spivey, Michele did not have to learn any new lines for the performance.
The original Spring Awakening production was also the subject of the HBO documentary Those You’ve Known, which dropped earlier this year. Most important, the doc included a moment in which Michele reveals that she showed Groff her entire vagina with a lamp, for educational purposes. She did not give Tony audiences the same honor, but did sing beautifully, which was also appreciated. It appears that as Beanie Feldstein and the rest of Funny Girl continue to limp along, Michele is just growing stronger and oranger.