If the triad of Cher, Meryl Streep, and Amanda Seyfried in Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again taught us anything, it’s that there are few things on Earth more satisfying than when multiple generations unite and forge culture. With this in mind, iHeartMedia and Will Ferrell’s Big Money Players podcast network announces its latest series, Clown Parade: An Anthological Character Piece Carefully Curated by Las Culturistas. On the show, elder statesmen Bowen Yang and Matt Rogers and their “intern Will Ferrell” will welcome up-and-coming comedians to take center stage while showcasing “different original characters of their own making.” Featured comedians will then each have a four-episode miniseries in character in the podcast feed, beginning with Greta Titelman as her stepmom persona in “Stepmom Presents: The Husband Hunt.”
“I’m really thrilled to have had a chance to help promote these innovative comedy voices through the launch of Clown Parade,” Will Ferrell said in a statement. “I can’t thank Matt and Bowen enough for seeing something in me that I didn’t see in myself … that I have inner strength — much like a Helen Reddy album. Thank you for this opportunity, guys. I will never be able to repay you.”
After Titelman, featured comedians will include Martin Urbano, Rekha Shankar, Chris Burns, Desi Domo, Raphael Chestang, Milly Tamarez, Sarah Smallwood Parsons, Steve Han, and Sudi Green. Bowen, Rogers, and Ferrell will send in the clowns to iHeartRadio and other major podcasting platforms beginning Wednesday, June 29.