Did Oscar winner Daniel Kaluuya fire his representation under the influence of a New Age culty force of personality named Heir Holiness? Maybe … not? The upcoming Nope star addressed the rumors in a Hollywood Reporter profile, but not Holiness’s claims she was his “life strategist.” “It showed me that I was in a paradigm of fame,” Kaluuya tells the magazine. “An unnamed, unverified source has more credibility than what is actually said and the truth of the situation. Like, ‘Wow, so a bunch of people decided it’s happening, then it’s happened?’ And it’s like, well, that’s not what’s happened.” When asked if he wanted to address the “sunken place” allegations more directly, Kaluuya says he has no desire to because whatever he says “confirms the perception and the perspective of the situation.” Well, what about clarifying? “A lot of these stories are just about journalists being perplexed about things, and then that’s the story,” he continues. “I understand. I just find it odd because everyone’s different.”
The profile did confirm that while Kaluuya is currently without an agent in the U.S., he maintains a U.K. agent and U.S. managers. Kaluuya also verifies reports that he’s starring in Mattel’s Barney film, something that does come off as a left-field choice for the Nope actor. However, Kaluuya seems to have a real enthusiasm for the project. “I love kids’ films,” he says. “How did everyone get into films? Watching kids’ films. I don’t want to restrict myself to the limitations of what I’m perceived as.” So as far as he’s concerned, Kaluuya and his team are a “hap-py fam-i-ly,” whether or not it includes Heir Holiness.