Technoblade, a beloved Minecraft YouTuber, has died from cancer at the age of 23. His death was announced in a YouTube video titled “so long nerds” in which his parents read a letter Technoblade wrote prior to his death. “Hello, everyone, Technoblade here. If you are watching this, I am dead,” he begins. Technoblade additionally revealed his real name, Alex, which he’d previously claimed was Dave in what he deemed one of his “most successful pranks.” He ended the letter by saying, “If I had another 100 lives, I think I would choose to be Technoblade again every single time as those were the happiest years of my life.”
YouTubers like pokimane, TommyInnit, Jacksepticeye, and more who knew and enjoyed Technoblade have paid tribute to the creator online alongside fans, trending the hashtag #technobladeneverdies. “We have been trying to find the words, but all of us here at Minecraft are heartbroken over the loss of Technoblade,” the official game tweeted. “He meant so much to our community and brought so much joy. He will be missed dearly.” Read more tweets in honor of Technoblade below.