Everybody quick, get unsorry. Demi Lovato’s new album just dropped, and “sorry” is not the general vibe on this one. Instead, try unadulterated rage. Holy Fvck came out August 19, and in it Lovato makes a pivot away from the pop sounds that have dominated their recent work and leans into headbangers and subwoofers. (Lovato’s pronouns are they/them and she/her.) “Pinch me, singe me / Inch me to the edge” is the first lyric on the album, and it pretty much goes harder from there. Features on the album include Yungblud, Royal & the Serpent, and Dead Sara. “When making HOLY FVCK, I wanted to explore the dichotomy between ideas and feelings we all face: good & bad, holy & evil and anger & love,” said Lovato in a press release. “The album is a deeply personal journey that begins with pain and anger and concludes with me reclaiming my power.”
To pair with the album, Lovato performed standout track and new single “29” on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon as part of their co-hosting takeover. The lyrics reexamine a past relationship now that Lovato is at the same age their former partner was during the relationship, 29. Lovato was 17 at the time. The performance is pure righteous vitriol. They also performed their song “Substance,” about looking for substance in a world that seems surface-deep. Guess everything’s the same in the la-la land machine.