CNN has been slowly pivoting its strategy from “On in the background at your parents’ house all through dinner, killing the vibes” to “That, but also Italian cuisine!” Joining the network’s food-and-travel slate, which includes Stanley Tucci: Searching for Italy and Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown reruns, comes Alison Roman’s long-in-development series, (More Than) A Cooking Show. On (More Than), Roman will be “traveling around New York and Italy, learning about some of her favorite ingredients and, yes, sharing ways to cook them.” According to The Hollywood Reporter, the show doesn’t yet have a programming slot, but the network’s Sunday lineup seems like a likely landing place.
Roman’s cooking show was announced as part of the programming slate for new streamer CNN+ in January, but the service was shut down only a month after launching. Since going viral with stews, and feuds, and working at the New York Times, Roman has maintained a devoted following through her Substack and YouTube channel.