What’s the easiest way for co-workers to bond? Raggin’ on the boss. That’s exactly what Kyle MacLachlan and Anthony Hopkins did on the set of The Trial. Both actors had worked with David Lynch (Hopkins in The Elephant Man, MacLachlan in … pretty much every other Lynch jawn), and spent many an hour yelling in a Lynchian style at each other.
MacLachlan revealed that little tidbit in his Criterion “Closet Picks” video, the film-bro version of Amoeba’s “What’s in My Bag?” or GQ’s “10 Essentials” series — a cute way for famous people to acquire free shit. Other Closet Pickers include Bill Hader, Nathan Lane, and Kim Cattrall.
During MacLachlan’s discussion of Sex, Lies, and Videotape in the Closet, he let it slip that he’d been up for James Spader’s role in the film. But despite not getting the part, it’s still all love between MacLachlan and Steven Soderbergh. In fact, the two get together for celebrity booze-mogul dates. “He has an investment in … Singani, which is a grape brandy, I think, coming out of Bolivia,” MacLachlan said. “I also make wine. And so we get together for cocktails sometimes.” Do other celebrity alcohol sellers get in on these cocktail nights? Are the Casamigos amigos there? Does Sam Neill invite the crew to one of his Two Paddocks? Whither Mary J. Blige and her Sun Goddess brand?