
Nicki Minaj Sues Social-Media Commentator for Defamation

Photo: Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images for MTV/Paramount Global

Nicki Minaj filed a Manhattan federal court lawsuit on Tuesday, September 14, against social-media commentator @NoseyHeauxLive alleging that she defamed her by claiming the rap star was on coke. Nosey Heaux, who is identified in court papers as Marley Green, is accused of “falsely and maliciously” saying that Minaj is a “cokehead … shoving all this cocaine up her nose.” Minaj’s attorney, Judd Burstein, calls the commentator “the ultimate ‘nobody’ without any accomplishments to her name” in court papers but justifies cause for this lawsuit by stating: “But this is the age of social media, one in which a ‘nobody’ can find an undeserved following through relentless self-promotion.”

The alleged comment, in a September 12, 2022, video posted to Twitter, spurred a deluge of social-media attention on Minaj. The statement was defamatory because it accused Minaj of a “serious crime, and tended to injure Plaintiff in her trade, business, or profession,” the suit says, also stating, “Plaintiff has never used cocaine.” In a statement, Burstein called Green a “disgrace.” “When this case is over, she will no longer be permitted to use the name ‘Nosey Heaux’ because we will take her trademark from her when she does not have enough money to pay the judgment,” he stated. “Anyone else who spreads lies about Nicki will suffer a similar fate. My marching orders are to aggressively sue anyone with a media or social-media following who damages her with intentional lies. Eventually, the lesson will be learned.”

Green has apparently responded on Twitter, writing: “Nicki Minaj lied.” “NICKI MINAJ IS HARASSING ME AND ATTEMPTING TO DOXX ME,” she alleged. “PLEASE RETWEET #itsgivingcoke #NickisTeaParty #NickiMinaj #SURVIVINGTHEPETTYS”

Nicki Minaj Sues Social-Media Commentator for Defamation