Let’s not worry about all that other Don’t Worry Darling drama for a second and talk about some new color on director Olivia Wilde and star Harry Styles’s relationship instead. In a Vanity Fair cover story, Wilde recounted her awe at watching Styles in concert sometime last year — or, actually, watching women watch Styles. She was with opener Jenny Lewis (who does not deserve to be dragged any further into this mess), who noted to Wilde that there were a lot of happy women. That brought Wilde to tears. “Where else do we see this? Happy women?” Wilde, a self-fashioned expert in the field of female pleasure, told Vanity Fair. “Women brought together with joy, loving each other, and cheering for each other?” (Not on the Don’t Worry Darling set, allegedly.) Never mind the hot man onstage they’re all really cheering for! Wilde went on to call Styles stans — a group that, she acknowledged, also includes men — “a beautiful and loving group of people” who are full of “compassion and acceptance,” and said experiencing that at his show was “a gift.” Just like this press tour continues to be.