Christian Bale is now aware that he has no business dueting with Taylor Swift after he was told to “shut up” when his singing drowned out Swift’s voice on the set of David O. Russell’s Amsterdam. In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Bale revealed that he and his Amsterdam co-star John David Washington had practiced a song to sing with Swift for a scene in the film. “All of a sudden, David just goes, ‘How about Christian and J.D. just shut up for this one and let Taylor do it?’” the actor explained. “And it was like we had been drowning out an angel’s voice all day long with our cacophony and our rough, terrible voices.” Much like Mads Mikkelsen on the set of Rihanna’s “Bitch Better Have My Money,” Bale was eventually set straight by his kids: “I went to my daughter and said, ‘You know who I sang with today? Taylor Swift,’” Bale said. “And she was like, ‘Wait, what? Why would you be doing that?’”