In case you forgot, baby, this is Keke Palmer. On Friday, the Nope star launched her own digital television network called KeyTV, which aims to spotlight “a new generation of creators.” Rather than delivering the news in a standard press release, the media master posted a video brimming with characteristic charisma. In the clip, Palmer literally walks us through her career, opening doors to glimpses of her in action as an actor, singer, writer, director, and collaborator. “I want to share everything I learned with you, because this is my greatest dream of all,” she concludes. “All it takes is one of us to unlock a door to unlock a million doors for each other. I’m so excited to introduce you guys to KeyTV, where our stories matter and where we are represented as the keys to the culture.”
In an introductory video on the company’s YouTube channel, Palmer further explained that she believes being on camera is not the only path to success. Instead, she highlighted the importance of behind-the-scenes roles like production designers, sound mixers, key grips, DPs. “I’ve been doing this for 20 years, but this is what I’m most proud of,” Palmer wrote on Instagram. “Y’all always say I keep a job, now I’m making sure we ALL got one.” We’ll have to wait and see how this new role will impact her work schedule — after all, the internet still hasn’t given up on that Rapunzel fancast.