Stephen Colbert created a new tradition by announcing who the Sexiest Man Alive is. He reported on his show that the award was between two hotties: John Oliver and Chris Evans. A real battle between the jocks and the nerds (the jocks obviously being Oliver.) However, their fate was in the hands the people, well, technically, People Magazine. And the winner was… Chris Evans! Of course, it is. America wasn’t ready for Oliver to be named the sexiest man alive. A hunk who was on set, in the audience, ready to accept his award. Meanwhile, Chris “Too Hot for TV But Hot Enough For Movies” Evans learned of the news while on set for his new movie Red One from his friend and co-star Dwanye “Former Sexiest Man Alive” Johnson. Evans reminded us normies that the sexiest thing you can do is vote. YAWN! We already knew that from sexy runner-up Oliver. He practically talks about it in every episode of Last Week Tonight. Maybe after the upcoming midterms, the people (not the magazine) can cast their vote so Oliver can take on the title next year.