They became the very best, like no one ever was — and now it’s time for them to go. Ash and Pikachu are leaving Pokémon after 25 years in the anime series, to the disappointment of nerds everywhere. The news wasn’t fully without warning after Ash finally became a Pokémon world champion earlier this year, when he won the Manalo Conference in the Alola League. Now Pokémon will give fans someone new to root for, introducing two new trainers, Liko and Roy, as well as the three starter Pokémon from the game Scarlet and Violet in a new series taking place in the Paldea region. As for Ash Ketchum, his story will be wrapped up in 11 special episodes that kick off January 13 in Japan and, per a trailer, will feature old friends including Brock and Misty.
Two of the voice actors behind Ash, Rica Matsumoto and Sarah Natochenny, posted tributes after the news. “No matter what lies beyond his final chapter, he’ll live forever in the hearts of many generations to come,” wrote Natochenny, who has voiced Ash in the English dub since 2006. “I’ll keep him present for all of us in every way I can. ❤️”
Surely this isn’t good-bye forever, right? We’ll run into Ash as a gym leader or trainer somewhere … right? We’re crying harder than any of those times Pikachu got injured.