After being inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame last year, Eminem’s journey is about to get eight more miles longer. His friend and rapper 50 Cent announced through an interview on Big Boy TV that he has plans to adapt the 2002 semi-autobiographical film about the Mom’s Spaghetti rapper into a “modern” TV show. “I’m gonna bring 8 Mile to television,” 50 Cent revealed while also confirming that Eminem approves of the adaptation. “It’s been in motion … It should be there for [Eminem]’s legacy.” He compared the developing series to the reboot of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air and as another way to expand on the lore of the existing characters, played by Eminem, Kim Basinger, Brittany Murphy, and Anthony Mackie in the original film. 50 Cent didn’t share any more details of the show in the interview, as it is assumed to be in the early stages of development. 50 Cent has produced films and television shows in the past, including Power on Starz. Vulture has reached out to 50 Cent and Eminem’s reps before we lose ourselves in the news.