Some pieces of culture are difficult to understand, even for the brightest of stárs. Lydia Tár is a star, no doubt about it. In fact, she is actually an icon, a queer icon, to be specific. Who knew the woman who slept with Kristen Stewart would be shocked to hear that the girls and the gays love her? Nonetheless, through her spokesperson, Cate Blanchett, with Attitude Magazine, Tár shared she’s been enjoying her status as a lesbian icon, even if she doesn’t fully understand her influence just yet. “Yeah, baby!” Tár said in the Tárticle. “That’s so nice! I don’t know what it means, but it’s nice. Yeah. Cool. I’ll take it!” What’s next for the Tárlet? She’ll stár in the short film The Fundraiser at the Berlin International Film Festival, as an expansion of the Tár universe. First, she takes over the queer community and the film community, and next, the world.