into it

The Good Place Helped Us Grieve

Photo: NBC

There are scenes that stay with you long after a film or TV show is over and take on greater meaning with time. When Michael Schur wrote the final episode of The Good Place, where Chidi says good-bye to Eleanor for the last time, he rented a hotel room on the California coast. He tells Into It host Sam Sanders that he needed to be alone to write it, and he spent several days just looking at the water and listening to one piece of classical music, “Spiegel im Spiegel,” by Arvo Pärt, on repeat. It helped him articulate an analogy for death that wasn’t good or bad, but a wave returning to the ocean. That scene found its way into a real-life eulogy as a fan of the show, Ryan Sainio, confronted the loss of his sister. Listen to the full episode here and subscribe below.

Into It with Sam Sanders

The Good Place Helped Us Grieve