In Taylor Jenkins Reid’s novel, Warren is the easygoing drummer of the Six with a beautiful mustache. In the Prime Video series, Sebastian Chacon is the easygoing Chicano drummer of the Six with a beautiful mustache. But for all the similarities between Warren on the page and onscreen, including that mustache, Chacon told audiences during a SXSW panel that he took every opportunity to “pepper in” more Chicano influences while not “making it his whole thing.” As soon as he was cast, the top priority for Chacon was to change his last name from the one in the book. “I mean, Warren Rhodes is the whitest name on the planet. I threw out a couple of different names, and Rojas is actually a name that is in my family.”
Chacon added more Latino elements to his character through little details like using timbale sticks in his drumming (“I figured Warren is inspired by mambo musicians in the ’60s”) to his outfits, for which he consulted with the show’s costume designer. If you look at his clothes, he said, “I had Aztec jewelry and Native American beads on with serape vests with donkeys on the back.” Well, we have to give it up for a stylish king both in and out of character.