Looks like Legally Blonde 3 started filming earlier than we expected. Okay, okay, so Reese Witherspoon isn’t back in court yet, but perhaps she could take some inspiration from Gwyneth Paltrow’s ski accident trial? The spirit of Elle Woods was definitely present when the Goop founder took the stand on March 24 in the ongoing trial, now in its second week, over a collision involving her and retired optometrist Terry Sanderson. We’ve got an explainer breaking down the legal arguments and background of this ski collision trial and the way things allegedly went … downhill (both Paltrow and Sanderson are claiming that they did not cause the collision). But in the meantime, the internet has latched onto the slightly sassy questions from attorneys — Who is the “Coldplay guy”? Is her ski outfit nice? — and Paltrow’s answers through pursed lips. Is she, as one Twitter user put it, Gwynnocent? That’s for the jury to decide. But is she making great television? Well, we’ll let you be the judge of that.