Sam Neill, the prolific actor who played Dr. Alan Grant in the Jurassic Park franchise, has revealed that he was successfully treated for stage-three blood cancer. “I’m not off the hook as such, but there’s no cancer in my body,” Neill told The Guardian in an interview published on Friday, March 17. He said he first experienced swollen glands while doing press for Jurassic World Dominion in Los Angeles last March. Within weeks, he was receiving chemotherapy treatment for angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma. The first round of chemo didn’t seem to work, so Neill decided to try a “very expensive” new chemotherapy drug. He reportedly signed a contract with the company that guaranteed the treatment would become free if he survived for four months. Although the drug affects his appetite and makes him feel “shithouse” for two days every time he takes it, he is now in remission. He will, however, need to repeat the treatment on a monthly basis for the rest of his life.
In an Instagram video posted on Saturday, Neill reiterated that he is “alive and kicking and I’m going to work.” He’s set to star alongside Annette Bening in his next project, the limited series Apples Never Fall. Neill also noted that the headlines about his cancer are “tiresome,” because he is very much “alive and well.”
“I can’t pretend that the last year hasn’t had its dark moments,” he reflected to The Guardian. “But those dark moments throw the light into sharp relief, you know, and have made me grateful for every day and immensely grateful for all my friends. Just pleased to be alive.” In that spirit, the actor appears to be ready to hit the ground running again. While he underwent treatment, he passed the time by writing a memoir, Did I Ever Tell You This?, which is set to release on March 21.
This post has been updated throughout.