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The 6 Best Movies and TV Shows to Watch This Weekend

A Thousand and One; Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves. Photo-Illustration: Vulture. Photos: Focus Features; Paramount Pictures

Some of this weekend’s biggest new movies are based on games — an increasingly prominent trend of late (see The Last of Us, the upcoming Super Mario Bros. Movie, etc.). However, it’s not just video games getting the blockbuster treatment. Good ol’-fashioned tabletop games can be movies, too, as Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves demonstrates. We’ve got a movie about Tetris, too, as well as some films and shows that aren’t based on games. There is a drama that makes “girl power” literal, a rom-com, and a Grand Jury Prize winner at Sundance. And for even more recommendations (plus some fun stuff we found on the net), subscribe to the Streamliner newsletter to get a subscriber-exclusive, special-expanded-edition cut of this post on Friday afternoon. Let’s roll initiative. —James Grebey 


Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves

The Chris Pine–led adaptation of the iconic fantasy role-playing game occupies a rare sweet spot in the quippy and self-deprecating MCU-influenced movie landscape. The movie is silly and knows it, but it still takes itself seriously, never undermining its own stakes. It’s not quite a nat 20 (for you non-nerds out there, that’s a good thing in D&D), but it’s a delightful romp. An earnest blockbuster — we love to see it! —J.G.

Available in theaters

➽ The first two seasons of The Legend of Vox Machina, an animated show based on a popular D&D campaign, are available to stream on Prime Video if you’re feeling Inspired. (“Inspiration” is a game mechanic in D&D that the bard character class can — Oh, you know what? Forget it.)


The Power

In this adaptation of Naomi Alderman’s novel from an all-female writing and directing crew, girls around the world suddenly develop supernatural powers that allow them to electrocute people at will. Take that, bullies, parents, and other jerks! —Roxana Hadadi 

Available to stream on Prime Video

➽ A cool way to make friends is to be like me and keep correcting everybody when they say they were electrocuted, because ~technically~ electrocution is always fatal. What they meant was shocked. (I’m so lonely.) 



A tense, violent dramatization of the game series that tells the story of the T-Block’s rise and fall after the Z-Block murders the L-Block in a drug deal gone wrong. Nah, just kidding — this movie is about the real-life story of the guy who secured the intellectual-property rights to the Soviet video game. —J.G.

Available to stream on Apple TV+


Rye Lane

It feels as if we’re forever declaring the death and subsequent return of the romantic comedy, but Raine Allen-Miller’s directorial debut makes the genre look so light and effortless that you wonder why we ever fretted about it. Vivian Oparah and David Jonsson play a pair of 20-somethings who are both fresh off breakups and spend the day wandering through South London after a chance encounter — talking, falling in love, and generally being delightful. —Alison Willmore

Available to stream on Hulu


A Thousand and One

Distributed by Focus Features, A Thousand and One is A.V. Rockwell’s feature directorial debut about a mother (Teyana Taylor) who reclaims her young child from the foster-care system. From there, the pair go on to try and build a life for themselves in New York City. A tearjerker, to be sure. —Savannah Salazar

Available in theaters


Avatar: The Way of Water

Is your “home theater” setup as good as a 16-meter screen and Imax With Laser 3-D projection? Find out the answer now that Avatar: The Way of Water is available on VOD. (Or you can wait for it to eventually hit Disney+. What’s a few more weeks or months compared to the 13-year wait for the sequel?) —J.G.

Want more? Read our recommendations from the weekend of March 24 or sign up for our Friday newsletter Streamliner for even more to watch.

The 6 Best Movies and TV Shows to Watch This Weekend