Yellowjackets star Samantha Hanratty is a double threat of ’90s nostalgia. Not only does she play 1996 Misty on the Showtime drama, she’s a living, breathing American Girl doll. Hanratty worked extensively as a child — including starring in An American Girl: Chrissa Stands Strong. The TV movie showed Chrissa overcoming bullying and joining her school’s swim team. Sounds like a more wholesome version of Misty’s life, overcoming (or succumbing to?) bullying and joining her school’s soccer team (if you count equipment manager as a real part of the team). Vulture asked Hanratty, presumably an American Girl doll expert, about what would come with the American Girl–doll version of Misty. “Her axe, totally,” she said on the Yellowjackets PaleyFest red carpet. “Caligula, because they always have to have a little animal with them. Her equipment manager jacket. And mushrooms.” Hanratty said that any Meet Misty–style book would be more about her teammates than Misty herself. “I feel like, even in her book, she wouldn’t give too much away about herself.”