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Schwarzy on His Twins Sequel, Triplets: ‘Jason Reitman F*cked It Up!’

Drama. Photo-Illustration: Vulture. Photos: Getty Images

These are some triplets that won’t get born. The sequel to 1988’s Twins starring Danny DeVito and Arnold Schwarzenegger, titled Triplets, announced in 2021 is now dead. Director Ivan Reitman was set to return and Tracy Morgan was going to play a new, third member of the unlikely brotherhood. But then Reitman died, and, according to Arnold Schwarzenegger, his son Jason Reitman (Juno, Up in the Air) killed the project. “Jason Reitman fucked it up!” Schwarzy told The Hollywood Reporter. “Jason Reitman literally stopped the project when his father died. His father wanted to do it really badly. I wanted to do it really badly. Danny DeVito wanted to do it really badly. We had the financing. When his father passed away, Jason says, ‘I never liked the idea’ and put a hold on it. I’m developing another movie with Danny; he’s so much fun to work with and so talented.” We don’t know yet what the new Schwarzy x Devito project will look like, but we do think Devito could pull off a killer Lady Macbeth. Just saying.

Schwarzy on Twins Sequel: ‘Jason Reitman F*cked It Up!’