Anyone who has watched TV in the past 50 years knows that glasses are just a shortcut to telling us someone is a nerd — and a potentially annoying one at that. Velma from Scooby-Doo is always searching around for her glasses at the expense of solving the case (girl, get contacts), Arthur from Arthur is constantly fighting with his absolute slay of a sister (D.W.), and Harry Potter whines about his generous family members who gave him their spare room. Despite this, it’s probably not a good idea to use someone with glasses as a stepping stool, knocking what they use to be able to see right off their face in the process. But that’s what the father of Rihanna’s children, A$AP Rocky, did on Monday just before the Met Gala. When faced with a barrier to his hotel (which he would not exit until the Met Gala had already begun), he didn’t ask security to go around the crowd. He just hopped the gate, using a girl’s head as a ladder in the process and bumping her glasses right off her face.
“ASAP Rocky just literally jumped over me,” the girl, Maddy, posted on Twitter with a selfie after she redonned her spectacles in order to see what she was typing. “Are those prescription glasses?” somebody asked in reply. “Yes,” it turned out. Rocky saw the tweet and quote tweeted with a heartfelt apology. “LOL MY FAULT $WEETHEART,” the rapper wrote. But perhaps even better is that he followed Maddy on Twitter afterward, which we know because she tweeted, “why is asap now oomf.” Judging from a quick social-media perusal, Maddy is actually a Styler, not in the Navy, so we’re gonna need to hear her thoughts on the 2023 Album of the Year debacle.