If you haven’t heard, Drake recently published a book of poetry. That means he’s doing Book Promo Things now, like sending his book to important people so they can talk about it. And who better to talk about things than DJ Khaled? Drake sent his friend and collaborator a copy of Titles Ruin Everything, and the producer took time away from the putting green to post a real-time video review. Starting from the top: “I like the cover already,” Khaled said, as he showed off the book. “I open up the page and the first thing I read, ‘Life isn’t fair, but karma helps,’” he continued. “The boy’s special now.” As Khaled read more aphorisms from the book — each spread of pages contains only one (1) sentence — he struggled to put his thoughts into words. “The boy different,” he said. “The minute you think you figured out the boy, the man writes a book.” True!
After watching, it’s unclear whether Khaled was impressed or in disbelief with the book. But toward the end of his review, he grasped at the truth. “I’m taking my time reading this ’cause like, no, you think I’m joking, look,” he said, showing a near-empty page. “The man wrote a book — he wrote a sentence!” And who better to take it from than the man you know for yelling “We the best!” on songs.