Surfer Sarah Brady posted a series of screenshots on Friday, alleging emotional abuse from her ex Jonah Hill. “This is a warning to all girls. If your partner is talking to you like this make an exit plan,” she wrote on Instagram Stories in a video that featured various photos that she claimed Hill asked her to remove because she was in a bikini, despite her being a surfing instructor. The two dated for a year before breaking up in 2022. In the messages, she asked Hill if she could keep a specific video because it was her “best surfing video” and tried to compromise, to no avail. “Sharing this publicly now because keeping it to myself was causing more damage to my mental health than sharing it could ever do,” said Brady on the screenshots of the relationship. Later, she addressed Hill’s struggle with mental health, explaining that it is not an excuse for his alleged behavior. “I too struggle with mental health but I do not use it to control [people] like he did to me.” Vulture has reached out to Jonah Hill’s reps for comment.