Here’s a little travel tip, from Jason Momoa to you: don’t go somewhere experiencing environmental devastation and massive displacement of its native population. The island of Maui has suffered catastrophic fire damage, with over 80 people dead and countless homes and businesses destroyed. Momoa went on Instagram to urge tourists to stay away while the island recovers. “Maui is not the place to have your vacation right now,” he wrote. “Do not convince yourself that your presence is needed on an island that is suffering this deeply.” Momoa directed would-be travelers to instead let their money take the Hawaiian vacation, by donating to the Hawai’i Community Foundation’s Maui Strong fund.
Momoa, raised in Honolulu and of Hawaiian descent, frequently takes on causes for the ʻāina. He and Dwayne Johnson joined the Protect Mauna Kea protests in 2019. Momoa’s water company also focuses on eliminating single-use plastic by serving water in reusable/recylcable aluminum bottles. Momoa donated pallets of water to the 2023 Hollywood strike earlier this year.